
HexaEight Authenticator can be installed for Andorid from Google Play Store as well as for iOS from Apple Play Store


In order to obtain a Login Token, you must register your Email Address in the Mobile Application by Creating a Vault. Login Tokens can then be generated for that Email Address inside your Vault.

Upon successful creation of a vault, you can tap the Mail button inside the Vault to generate a Login Token Request which will inturn send you an Email verification link and QRCode to your email address in order to complete the registration process. Wait for the Email To Arrive in your Email Inbox. It may take anywhere between 1 to 3 minutes for the Email to arrive.

Before you can complete the registration process and generate an Login Token, you will need to set a Password that should be associated with this Login Token.

NOTE: Do Not forget your password and never share your password with anyone ever.

Once the password has been set you can use the Login Token Request displayed in the Authentication Tokens to generate your new Login Token by scanning the QR Code that is visible in your Email.

If you are using the Mobile to view the Email, you can click on the Generate Login Token link in the Email which will take you back to the Mobile Application and prompt you to Tap the Login Token Request present in the Vault.

You will then be prompted with a question to confirm if you wish to proceed with the Generation of the Login Token. Press YES to proceed and you should receive a brand new login token in your Vault in the Authentication Token Section.

You can use this Login Token to Login to any application that displays HexaEight QR Code.

If you forget your password, repeat the same process of registration by tapping on the mail button to create a Login token request, setting a new password and generate a new login token to replace your existing login token. If you want more detailed instructions, you can visit our Tutorial Section section that has videos and screen shots in detail.


How To Scan A HexaEight QR Code From Mobile. We presume you have already installed the HexaEight Authenticator App and created a Login Token for your Email address.

  1. Make note of the QR Code ID displayed above the Scan QR Code Button and then Click the Scan QR Code Button.

  1. HexaEight Authenticator Native Mobile App should open up with a message as shown below directing you to choose the correct vault and login token.


Tap the Email Login Token to process this request. 
Ensure the Password is Set in the Vault

  1. Tap Ok and Navigate to the Vaults Tab and Choose the correct Email Address displayed in the Vault that you wish to use to complete the Authentication process

  1. Ensure that the Password for the Vault has been set. Once the password has been set, Tap the Login Token to complete the process of scanning the QR Code.

  1. A prompt should pop up as shown below, asking you to verify the QR Code ID and complete the login process using the Email Address. Tap YES to proceed. You should see a message indicating that your Authorization was successful if the password you entered in the Vault is correct.

Remote Authorization

Do you wish to Authorize This QR Code ID : XXXXX ? To Login using xxxxxx@youremaildomain

  1. Now Switch back to the Browser Or Application and Tap the Login Button and your request should be processed and you should see a message that you have Signed In successfully.